Behavior Modification Apparatus Ala Skinner: a Model of Human Resource Development Towards Bureaucratic Professionalism

  • Fiki Dzakiyati Dinas Koperasi, UKM Prov. Jateng
Keywords: the reform of the bureaucracy, apparatus professionalism, operant conditioning


The direction of policy reform bureaucracy is to increase the professionalism of the state apparatus and improvement of governance. In fact, bureaucracy in Indonesia have not yet been able to achieve the desired condition. Various phenomena which occurs as slow of public services and the bureaucracy that circular shows unprofessional attitude a bureaucracy. To change it, needed human resources management. Based on the theory of Skinner based on psychology behavioristik, Professionalism apparatus improvement can be done through behavior modification using operant conditioning load by providing stimulant in the form of rationalisation, formed a new bureaucracy culture, the improvement of the quality of human resources and supervision of the community.

How to Cite
Dzakiyati, F. (2018). Behavior Modification Apparatus Ala Skinner: a Model of Human Resource Development Towards Bureaucratic Professionalism. Jurnal Ilmiah Tata Sejuta STIA Mataram, 4(1), 12-24.